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Employee Responsibilities for Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls

Legal Duties Under Health and Safety Regulations

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 require employees to actively reduce the risk of slips, trips, and falls to the best of their ability. By fulfilling these duties, employees protect themselves and others, including co-workers and the general public. Compliance with legal and workplace rules and regulations is essential to ensure a safe environment.

Reporting Hazards and Dangerous Situations

As an employee, the law requires you to inform your employer or manager of any dangerous situations or those that do not meet agreed health and safety standards. Prompt reporting helps address hazards before they lead to accidents.

Using Equipment Correctly

Employees must use any provided equipment correctly and refrain from using equipment outside their training. Proper use of equipment is crucial for maintaining a safe workplace.

Additional Tips to Reduce Risks

  • Report Near Misses and Accidents: Inform your employer of any incidents as soon as they occur.
  • Address Slip and Trip Risks: Mitigate risks to the best of your ability without putting yourself in danger.
  • Manage Trailing Cables: Keep cables tucked away to prevent tripping hazards.
  • Clean Up Spillages Immediately: Address any spillages, no matter how small, right away.
  • Follow Safety Advice: Adhere to any safety advice and guidelines provided.


Employees play a crucial role in preventing slips, trips, and falls in the workplace. By fulfilling legal duties, reporting hazards, using equipment correctly, and following safety tips, employees contribute to a safer work environment for everyone.